FIND OUT YOUR PURPOSE + How to release fears & doubts & be the beacon of light for others! ascension channeled message inspiration light worker purpose spiritual peptalk tips and practical advice you are needed Sep 30, 2023

Below is the written transcript of this channeled inspirational video message from August 21, 2023. If you'd prefer to listen to it, you can listen to it on YouTube by clicking here or going to:

I’m so excited to share this message from my Team. Hi, I’m...

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Creating A Triumphant History! A New World In The Making ascension celebrate channeled channeled message inspiration love new world spiritual awakening you are needed Feb 19, 2023


*I invite you to listen to me reading this message in the video player above, otherwise read below.*

I just wanted to share you this channeled message from my Guides. I think it's so filled with love and inspiration and a great reminder of what we're doing here...

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