Custom Light Language Activation

Upgrade Your Frequency, Activate Dormant Codes, Step into Your Next Level of Soul Mastery! In this 30-45-minute custom, one-of-a-kind, interactive, channeled activation, you’ll Ignite the next level of your Soul Journey.   As Joanne allows Spirit to work through her, all energies are facilitated by your Higher Self, in alignment to your highest path. As you sit back and allow, you receive the exact energies & activations that you need, in your energy field, and cellular structure to release distortions and limitations while igniting those dormant codes and templates to move you forward most fully and in your highest. In this custom, channeled Light Language Activation, you are: activating dormant codes and templates to support your evolution, and to support you in stepping into your purpose in a way that you’ll know. connecting more fully with your Divine Essence, your Soul Self releasing the blocks, limitations and distortions from your field and body gifted with a personalized, one-of-a-kind, high frequency transmission, that acts like a tuning fork so that you connect to their energies again whenever you choose. Further, as these transmissions are quantum and exists outside of time and space, this means each time you are called back to relisten to it, you’re met with a new experience, and you’re worked with from your new state of consciousness. So, to allow you the greatest benefit of your Custom Light Language Activation, you also receive: an audio (MP3) recording of the session following the call to provide you an opportunity to listen again and go deeper with the activation and transmission. Enjoy the ongoing benefits and transformation of this Activation! [You'll receive an email following payment with instructions to schedule your session.]

$144.00 USD


New Beginnings - $33

Embark on an experiential journey of expanding your Light Quotient in preparation for all that's to come in 2024.

Enjoy the replay of the live channeled online event & light activation by Joanne Cary hosted during the 1/11 portal on January 11, 2024.

This 90 minute event includes:

  • A brand new channeled message and teaching from higher dimensional consciousness, to support you in preparing and receiving all that this year of abundance and expansion has to offer.
  • Channeled Light Language Transmission: Not only will you leave cleared of distortions and lower density energies, you will have expanded your capacity to hold more light in your body, allowing you to express more fully as our Divine Self! This means you'll release fear and those things keeping you feeling stuck. You'll find more joy and live from a state of empowerment -- and who doesn't want more of that?!?
  • Find your own clarity and answers in the Questions & Answers asked by the attendees. Spirits answers are often universal and many found their questions answered through the questions of others.

The following Quantum replay files are provided to stream or download:

  • The Full Event - Video (mp4)
  • The Full Event - Audio (mp3)


Enjoy the transformation of this Activation!

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Join the Sirians, the Lyrans, the Dolphins, Great Lion Spirit & Archangel Michael, in this powerful and transformative event as you embark on an experiential journey of aligning to your divinity and claiming your power as the vast, Divine Creator Being that you are.

This 90 minute event includes:

  • A brand new channeled message and teaching from higher dimensional consciousness, including the Lyrans and Sirians, the Dolphins, Great Lion Spirit and Archangel Michael to support you in this evolution of consciousness and in understanding your multi-dimensional self.  
  • Channeled Light Language Transmission: Leave cleared of distortions and lower density energies, as well as, expanded and aligned to create from your Divine, infinite potential with confidence. Experience a special merging and uniting of our Divine Feminine & Masculine so that you can operate in tandem with the Unity and Oneness of your Divine Being. Also, engage in a powerful "energetic surgery" and clearing of the "seat of your Soul", the pineal gland. These were so powerful! Enjoy the transformation that follows. 
  • Find your own clarity and answers in the Questions & Answers asked by the attendees. Spirits answers are often universal and many found their questions answered through the questions of others.

The following replay files are provided to stream or download:

  • The Full Event - Video (mp4)
  • The Full Event - Audio (mp3)

Enjoy the transformation of this Activation!

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7/7 Portal - $7.77

Join the Archangel Michael, Metatron, Melchizedek, and Mother Mary as they underpin the energies and work with our Divine Blueprint in this powerful, yet very grounded light language & transmission to support you in becoming more of your Divine Self in body.

Enjoy the replay of the live channeled online event by Joanne Cary hosted on July 7, 2023, during the 7/7/7 portal. 

Join Joanne Cary in this 30-45 minute channeled light language transmission & activation, and you’ll receive, anchor & ground the higher frequency energies to support you in living your highest life in joy, peace and abundance.  

As Joanne allows Spirit to work through her, all energies are facilitated by your Higher Self, in alignment to your highest path. As you sit back and allow, you receive the exact energies & activations that you need, in your energy field and cellular structure, to release distortions and limitations while igniting those dormant codes and templates to move you forward most fully and in your highest.

I'm so grateful that Archangel Michael, Metatron and Melchizedek held the energies and worked with our Divine Template to support us holding the higher frequencies while gently releasing distortions and patterns that are no longer needed or serving us. We were also joined by the loving and nurturing energies of Mother Mary in this transmission

Further, as these transmissions are quantum and exist outside of time and space, this means each time you are called back to re-listen to it, you’re met with a new experience, and you’re worked with from your new state of consciousness. So, listen again as you are called back to it and go deeper with the activation and transmission to support you.

Enjoy the ongoing benefits and transformation of this Activation!

The following replay files are provided to stream or download:

  • The Full Event - Video (mp4)
  • The Full Event - Audio (mp3)



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Join the Archangel Michael, Lord Melchizedek, The Order of Melchizedek & The Council of Elohim Angels in this powerful and transformative event guide you as you embark on an experiential journey of remembering who you are, and the vastness of your being outside of time and space.  Enjoy this transformational event!

This 90 minute replay of the live online event includes:

  • A brand new channeled message and teaching from higher dimensional consciousness to support you in this evolution of consciousness and in understanding your multi-dimensional self. We truly are BOUNDLESS!
  • The Journey - Channeled Mediation & Energy Transmission starting with Archangel Michael safely guiding us into the great Void of pure Creative Potential, so we may experience and align more fully with our Higher Self or Soul Self. We were also joined by Lord Melchizedek, The Elohim Council of Angels & The Order of Melchizedek. Leave vibrating at a high frequency, expanded and aligned to create from your Divine, infinite potential. Revisit again & again to reconnect and learn to maintain your multi-dimensional self in form.
  • Q&A provides an opportunity for attendees to ask a question directly to Spirit.

The following replay files are provided to stream or download:

  • The Full Event - Video (mp4)
  • The Full Event - Audio (mp3)
  • Channel & Journey Only - audio (mp3)
  • The Journey Only - audio (mp3)
  • Q&A Only - Audio (mp3)

[ The files are instantly accessible in the email that follows payment. ]


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Join the Archangels, Lord Melchizedek & other Masters in this powerful and transformative event to support you in aligning to your Divine Blueprint so that you can fully receive the true abundance that is your Divine birth right.  Enjoy this transformational event!

This 90 minute replay of the live channeled online event by Joanne Cary includes:

  • A brand new channeled message and teaching from higher dimensional consciousness to support you in aligning to your true abundance.
  • Channeled Energy Clearing Transmission & Realignment process where you get to sit back and receive the exact energies & activations you need in your energy field and cellular structure to support you. Leave regenerated, nourished and realigned to you divine blueprint so you are ready to receive the bounty of your Divine inheritance.
  • A Question & Answer period where Spirit answered questions from the attendees.

The recordings are provided to stream or download including:

  • The Full Event - Video (mp4)
  • The Full Event - Audio (mp3)
  • Channel & Transmission Only - audio (mp3)
  • Q&A Only - Audio (mp3)
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Receive channeled wisdom & energy transmissions to support you in navigating this incredible time of change & shift in consciousness on the planet!

This 45 minute replay of the live channeled online event by Joanne Cary includes:

  • A brand new channeled message and teaching from higher dimensional consciousness to support you in navigating these changing times.

  • Channeled Mediation & Energy Transmission where you get to sit back and receive the exact energies & activations you need in your energy field and cellular structure to support you. Leave regenerated, nourished and more balanced to surf easily through the waves of change.

The recordings are provided to stream or download including:

  1. The full event - video (mp4)
  2. The full event - audio (mp3)
  3. The Intro and Channel - audio (mp3)
  4. The Light Language Energy Transmission Only - audio (mp3)


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A Channeled Clearing & Alchemical Transmission by Joanne Cary


A channeled message, clearing and alchemical energy transmission from Jesus Yeshua and Mary Magdalene to release energies, distortions and patterns that are hindering your movement into Oneness and then to encode the frequency and energy of Oneness in your energetic field & cellular structure to support moving into Union with your Divine self.

Are you ready to say yes?

Running Time: 21:11 minutes

Format: You receive BOTH the video & audio only files for this channeled transmission!

As a vessel for Source, Joanne's channeled meditations and light language activations transmit light encoded frequencies and healing energies to support our healing and evolution at this time. Enjoy!

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A 528 Hz Channeled Meditation & Energy Transmission by Joanne Cary


A channeled meditation and energy transmission to encode the Frequency of Love in your energetic field & cellular structure to support you through the waves of change and evolution of consciousness we are all undergoing. As you join together to gift this frequency to the world & the Earth herself, you receive a further amplification of Love Frequency as it continues in an infinity loop of energy exchange.

The energy transmission is further enhanced with the 528 Hz Solfeggio Frequency which is known as the Love Frequency and its harmonic vibration lifts your heart and field in alignment to Creation & Nature bringing harmony and balance to your life.

Running Time: 11.26 minutes

As a vessel for Source, Joanne's channeled meditations and light language activations transmit light encoded frequencies and healing energies to support our healing and evolution at this time. Enjoy!

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A 432 Hz Channeled Meditation & Energy Transmission by Joanne Cary


Clear & release yourself from the stress and worries of the day. Then be guided into the energetic bath, to be nourished, re-energized and revitalized with golden healing Source light and the frequencies of love, peace & joy.

The energy transmission is further enhanced with the 432 Hz Solfeggio Frequency which is meant to lead you to greater levels of mental and emotional clarity and its harmonic tone is relaxing for the body and mind.

Running Time: 16 minutes

As a vessel for Source, Joanne's channeled meditations and light language activations transmit light encoded frequencies and healing energies to support our healing and evolution at this time. Enjoy!

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