How You May Be Limiting Your Dreams From Manifesting Fully + Light Language Activation to Help You!
Jul 29, 2023Below is the written transcript of this video transmission. If you'd prefer to listen to it and receive the encoded Light Language in full frequency, you can listen to it on YouTube by clicking here or going to: https://youtu.be/Rb5ol8N-rTs
Hi, I’m Joanne Cary. Welcome back to my channel. Today the Guides come in and have sort of a personal message that’s applicable to all of us as we continue to accelerate and evolve in our consciousness. They speak about our dreams and how those dreams might change. How they’re going to be out-pictured or manifested in form based on where we are in our consciousness and they talk a bit about that. Also give us some tips on how best navigate it as the human part of us might be a little bit disappointed. So, I hope you enjoy their message.
Greetings we are here, and we pleased be doing this channel outside with out dearest one. Today we wish to speak to you about the path that you walk right now in these changing times on the planet, in these changing energies. Our channel this morning was a little disappointed. She’s had a dream on her heart for some time and she has now felt into that perhaps that will not come to fruition as she saw it, or how she thought it should be and she was disappointed. And we wish to speak a bit to this for many of you will find this as you continue to walk the path that you are on, continuing to lift in frequency. As you continue to lift and change, as you continue to lift your consciousness and become more of the light being that you are in human form, your dreams are going to change. And what you may find is that what’s happening in the ethers is changing before the human understands or acknowledges that change has occurred. In relation to our channel, it is not that she will not receive satisfaction, or be able to do what’s on her heart, for she will and it is going to come through in ways that are beyond what she can imagine, however, this only happens as she can release her need, her desire for it to look a certain for, for it to be way that her small self thought it should be when the idea was initially seeded. For when you are gifted an idea you may grasp or create a framework around it that ultimately will not serve for when the seeds and energy are planted, they take time within your dimension to come to fruition in manifest form. And so when you get an idea, an inspired idea, when you receive a download, however it is, know that how you see it or perceive it in that moment is a possibility based on the energy and consciousness you are at that point in time and as you continue to shift, as you continue to grow and expand, you continue to learn and experience, more is available to you and like attracts like. Those creations that were being created are updated. They are choosing the highest possibility for you; do you understand this? Can you allow yourself to be open to the knowing, can you choose to believe that everything is happening for you and for your highest and that if you do not receive something or if you hold too tightly on to an idea that you have you limit yourself and the creation that is looking to be birthed in the world in the Divine timing that it is desiring to be born? As you all walk forward on this path of evolution of consciousness, as you shift and change in your energetic frequency, what is available to you changes. A vaster array of things are available to you beyond what you can imagine. You have been working within a construct of creating from what has been; created from your experience, these things have served you in not getting eaten by the saber toothed tiger, however what you are invited to do and what you will need to do as you walk forward, is learn how to be comfortable in the uncomfortable, learn how to embrace the unknown, learn to be open and curious and in wonder at how it could even be better than how you could have imagined. For what is coming for you, what your Team, what your True Self is working on for you is better, and bigger and beyond anything you can imagine, and it continue to expand and grow. So, we invite you not to limit yourselves. We invite you not to stay in disappointment or frustration. Allow those emotions to go through you. Allow yourself to feel them. And then allow them to go. Allow yourself to be curious and excited about how it could possibly be better than you had already imagined. And allow that energy to work for you. Stay in the moment that you are in. Find those things that light you up in the joy while you are waiting for the manifestation to come into your reality, for indeed it will. And there’s one last thing that we wish to say is, trust your own wisdom and knowing. It is perfect to go out and seek advice, to seek clarification and confirmation from others, that is fine but ultimately the wisdom you have, the knowledge you have comes from within. You are best served to follow your path, to follow your own internal guidance. That is what you want to practice doing more and more. And as you do that you trust yourself more, you begin to open more fully to your own divine self and your own divine wisdom, and it brings it forth to you. We shall step back now. It has been a pleasure connecting with you and we look forward to connecting with you again.
So, I just finished the other channel and now they wish to come through with a light language transmission to support me and you in releasing those little expectations, and our desire to have it a certain way. Releasing, loosening our grip and control on the way things should be, so let’s see what they want to do.
[Light Language]
Blessings to you.
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