3 Practical Tools for Navigating Change with Peace & Ease
Aug 11, 2024Below is the written transcript of this channeled video transmission from July 24, 2024. If you'd prefer to listen to it, you can listen to it on YouTube by clicking here or going to: https://youtu.be/S8iHwk7_Ffg
Hi, Joanne Cary! Welcome back to my channel, and today the Guides come through with a message speaking to all of the change that we are in right now, and that we're gonna continue to see in the world, and they give us some very practical steps and exercises to apply in our lives now to support us in navigating it with the most ease and peace in the months, and they suggest, years to come. I hope you benefit from their message.
Greetings. We are pleased to be in connection with you in this moment of your time.
We know that there is much happening in your world, and we know that you are going through much change, and we know that much of what you see, you are concerned about. You are seeing much turbulence, challenge coming up in your world, in your structures that you have come to be accustomed to. This can be disruptive to the human, this can be disruptive to how you live your lives, for you are not ones, normally, to like change for it is often seen as scary or going to lead to things that you do not like. And although in the times and months, and we would suggest, even in the years to come, there will be great changes on your planet, ones that you do not even foresee in this moment, some that you are seeing and some of the changes are well underway in this time of great change.
When the body is going through great change as well, where your own lives you will see as a microcosm of the macrocosm you see in the world reflected outside of you, you too, are going through personal change. You're going through physical change, and all of it we would suggest, will be more comfortable, more easy to navigate, if you allow first, yourself to be grounded, to give yourself the time and opportunity to anchor in and ground yourself down into the peaceful center of you, and down into Mother earth. You are part of the consciousness of Mother, earth. You are made up of all the particles of mother earth, and as you sit with us right now, listening to these words, where are you at in feeling safe, in feeling peaceful? How deep do your roots go into the earth?
If you visualize or see yourself as a tree, perhaps with roots below the surface.
How deep do they go? And how high up do your branches extend?
The beautiful thing about the image of a tree, is that a tree has deep roots connecting it deeply to the source of its being, the earth, the soil, the bedrock.
And yet the branches extend up towards the sky to something greater than itself and can and can withhold, withstand much pressure, much change.
Can withstand strong winds.
Can withstand strong.
Can withstand the quaking of earth herself.
You can take many lessons from the trees.
Where are you flexible or inflexible?
Where might you ground down, more fully into the earth energetically?
And as you simply allow yourself to visualize your roots growing deeper into the earth, going down deep into the stones, into the ground, into the bedrock, down all the way into the very center core of Mother Earth.
Being held strong.
And as you see, your energy, your body is growing up into the sky, into the heavens, extending outwards with branches that are flexible, with a trunk that is strong.
The visualization, the sensing, the intending that this is so supports you in this time.
And we would say also that, intending to be in stillness, intending to go inside of your heart center, into the source and connection to all of it is giving yourself an opportunity when you are feeling overwhelmed, when you are feeling like things are a little too hard to handle, when there's too much going on, too much change, and so few answers, as you allow yourself to sit in the center of the storm, in the center of your being, this allowing your thoughts to flow freely by, and gently move away with a breeze, you would gain, support yourself in navigating these times with more ease.
We would say that in the days to come, you are at a crossroads.
Yes, as a humanity, yes, as a country, yes, as an individual. There will be a variety of decisions and choices that you will be required to make in the times to come. And one of the tools that you have available to you, that you may practice now, when you may feel calm, practice now in a day that feels light, is taking small choices, small decisions that you must make and feel into them; visualize potential outcomes.
Hold both options in your mind as though you were standing at a crossroad one direction tune-in towards one choice. How do you feel? What do you see? Can you see an outcome.
How does it look to you?
How does your body feel? Is it feeling contracted.
And then, tune-in, think about your second choice, another option and do the same thing. How does it feel? Does it feel light, expansive. Can I see that option happening easily or does it stop, block, is it not clear. Does it feel heavy?
Utilize this tool to see which path is the best one to walk forward.
You are tapping into your own internal guidance, your own innate energy system. When you do this, especially when you do it with consciousness, when you bring yourself into stillness first, when you ground yourself down into the earth, when you bring yourself into the stillness, the connected source of you, and then ask the question: Which choice? And then feel the second choice.
You will be guided more and more with ease. You'll be tapping more into the energy that will best serve you in the highest.
If something is feeling heavy, if you cannot see it easily happening, know that there may be more information that is needed before a choice is needed. So don't try to plan ahead. Don't try to make decisions before you can make them with ease. Do you understand?
You have much change before you, and regardless of the decision that you make in any moment, know that it is the right one. And know that it will take you forward. And regardless of the path that you take your internal guidance system, your GPS if you will, will continue to reroute you and you will end up at a similar spot to where you need to go.
So there is no wrong choice. There is no wrong way.
So don't allow that to be another burden to carry, another worry or concern to carry.
Know that as you make choices in every moment, you’ll be guided to the next step.
But utilize the tools that you have to bring yourself back into balance, to ground yourself into the earth, to connect yourself to your own innate wisdom.
You are all divine, masterful beings.
You all have innate wisdom. You all have access to this as you choose to use it, and to practice it.
No matter how stormy the outward world seems to get, you are safe in this. You are moving through a storm to take you to a higher shore.
Be with what is happening in every moment that you are in.
Stay as best as you can focused with what is out picturing for you, what is in front of you in this moment, for you are always prepared to respond, to have an answer to, what you are facing now. If you try to look too far out in any direction, you will find it more challenging for things are moving too quickly for that to happen, and your only point of power, and your only point of creation, is in the moment that you sit.
And again we repeat, you will never have a problem that does not have a solution in the moment that you sit. And if you do not find a choice that is easy in the moment, that you cannot see the answer in the moment, you just don't know, then trust that it is not the moment to make that decision. And see what other choice is needed to be made in the moment that you are in, that will bring you one step closer to the answer that you seek to the question you’re wanting to know the answer to.
Everything, in divine timing.
Everything, in perfect timing.
You are doing well.
These are all great signs that the earth is moving forward, that humanity is moving forward in its evolution. All the things that must be seen that are tethering you to the lower density frequencies must be seen in order to be acknowledged, released, transmuted, re-seen. And so everything that is happening right now in your world, both individually and collectively must be seen in order for you to move forward and we say that this is worth celebrating, this is worth celebrating.
You are at an incredible time and as we complete, we will stand back, we send great love to you.
And for now we are complete.
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