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Blog title - Think you're not ready? Find out what spirit wants you to know

Think You're Not Ready Yet? Find Out What Spirit Wants YOU TO Know

channeled channeled message divine wisdom not enough procrastination self worth spiritual peptalk wayshower Jun 22, 2022


A channeled pep talk from Spirit and a wonderful analogy that really resonated with me that definitely is supporting me in stepping up and out into the world. Read what they have to share with you to help you shine your light more fully in the world as you navigate this magnificent journey!

If you prefer to listen to the channel, you can find the video on my YouTube  channel. Click here

Indeed, dear ones, welcome, welcome, welcome. At this time of great change on the planet many of you doubt. Many of our Wayshowers, our Lightworkers doubt that they are ready, that they are good enough. That they need to wait until they are more prepared, that they are more ready, that they have received all of the certifications, the things that make them good enough to share. They look to those who are ahead of them on this path, and they think they have to wait until they reach that level before they get to share their gifts. And we tell you there is nothing further from the truth. And we invite you to begin to share now, in the way you are called to share. We have given an analogy, a picture to our channel which we hope will support you too on your journey.


Think of yourself as you have navigated these times as walking through a dark forest. And every time you have shared, you have offered a hand, every time you have put out that word of encouragement, that post, that video, that creation, whatever it is you leave that as an imprint in the field, as a light in the forest. You've walked the away and you've noticed on your path there have been lights, those people, that information, those books that you have read, on your journey of awakening who have helped you. And as you step out now, from the consciousness of where you are at right now, from the experience level of where you are at, when you leave it you are leaving that light in the forest and then you continue on your path one step at a time. And maybe now you have come out of your forest, you know who you are and now you look across the rolling moors, the rolling plains, and you continue to walk and everything you do, every step that you take, you leave another beacon of light for those who follow behind you. You do not get to know who needs what you share. You don't get to know when they need it, for they are following behind you. They are walking in different directions but each one who chooses to step out from where they're at and leave that beacon of light, they're supporting all who come behind. And note dear ones, that in time as you fast forward through each now moment, you are now way up on the plain, way over in the moor at some other destination, at some other point in your journey, leaving beacons of light all along your path like breadcrumbs. But you are no longer in the same space of consciousness that you were when you were back in the forest, when you were in the darkness. If you chose to wait to where you are in some future moment, the person behind you no longer has a beacon of light to find. You are needed now to leave your creation, your message, your advice, your gift to the world now where you're at, at the readiness point where you are at. Because when you are “ready” you will be in some future spot and that is not what the person who’s coming behind you needs. They need where you are right now to pick up with them where they are at in that now.


And our dear one here remembers all of those books that she's read from hundred of years ago, 50 years ago and what if those people didn't think their message was good enough, that their message, their advice, their book wasn’t good enough? Think of your own path, of those over the course of time who have supported you on your journey. What if they waited until they felt ready? You wouldn't be standing where you are today listening to these words right now. And so dear ones, gift the world with the message that someone needs coming behind you and continue to do that at every step of your elevation of consciousness, for it will attract in some now moment the exact person who needs exactly what you offered. Don't be the judge. That is not your role. Be in the highest that you can be in any moment and allow that to radiate out to the world. Gift the world from where you are at right now, and continue to do that at each step that you take along your path. Leave the beacons of light in the dark moor, in the dark forest for others to find on their path of awakening. You are needed right now dear ones, where you are at right now is needed right now for you to share and this is our invitation for you to step up and step out from dimming your light, from keeping yourself small. Listen to your heart, listen to the urgings of your heart to share, and when you have that inspiration, that thought that “I need to share this! This is amazing!”, do that and don't let any voice tell you not to. Allow it to go. Allow it to go. Allow it to go. And pull yourself up, back into your heart space, elevating your energy, and gift your message to the world. Leave that beacon of light for those who come behind you. You are all needed. Your light is needed now. Blessings to you each and until we connect again, we send you oh so much love.


Thank you so much for receiving my Team's message and if you liked it please like it, share it, and subscribe to my station and until next time, feel free to explore. There are other videos coming up at the end of this video. Thank you so much and all the best.

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