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My 1st Full Body Connection With Spirit

awakening channeled message connection energy light worker spirit guides wayshower Jan 27, 2022

It’s the beginning of November 2019 and I’m sitting at a table at Mike Dooley’s Soulapalooza event in Carlsbad! Lee Harris, the first channel I’ve ever heard of, on stage. Me – my body starts buzzing, vibrating – ALL OVER. What the heck is happening, I’m wondering. I casually glance around curiously to see if anyone else is having the same experience I am. No evident signs. When he leaves the stage, the vibrating goes away. During his presentation he gave us a chance to channel, saying we’re all channels. I wrote this on the little pad of paper they gave us (but didn’t re-read it for months.)

“What does my soul want to tell me today?”

“I’m here. We’re feeling. We want to be heard. Give us space. Let us go. We want you to know us. Can’t you feel us? We’re here. We’re here! Let us out. Get to know us. Get to know us. Feel us. We want you to know.”

Under the note is a comment – “Do this every day.” (I suspect that’s what Lee told us to do.)

The lunch break. I’m feeling shy. I didn’t have anyone to have lunch with the 2nd day. I worked up the courage to ask a couple people, but they had other plans. I asked a woman sitting alone at a table and she said, “No. That she was tired and going to go lie down over lunch.”

I sat down at a table by myself. Uncomfortable? Yes. Feeling out of place like usual? Yes. Wanting to cry? Yep! [sigh.]. So, I ordered lunch. Then the thought occurred to me: Since I’m here by myself, why don’t I take the time to ask my soul what it wants me to know today? This is what came out:

“It’s okay. You’re doing great. You are here alone and that’s okay. You are recharging and all is working out in your favour. Stop worrying. Relax and enjoy. There is no better place than here right now. Just wait and see. You’ll recognize soon enough. You have to trust and know that exactly what is happening is exactly what is needed to be happening. You never take time to sit down and write. You say you will, but never do. Now you have to just sit. Just you and I. You and us. Stop thinking about it. Just let it flow. I said stop thinking! Stop rolling your eyes!

Have you thought about your life? Where you are? What you’re doing? How many people would want this; to have this freedom? And what are you doing? You sit in fear. You sit in your head. When are you getting out? When are you going to trust and do? We are waiting. The world is waiting. You’ve got this. You have support. You’re on the right path. Just keep following what catches your eye. We’re guiding. You know what feels good. You know what lights you up [Lee as the channel]. Explore more. Do. There isn’t any wrong [way]. There isn’t any. Stop fearing. Stop thinking. Feel more. Be okay with feeling more. Trust more. Listen more. You got it. Just let it come. Let it flow. We can tell you all, but it won’t work. You need to. You need to do it yourself and explore. We can’t do it for you. It’s ok. You’ll be ok. You’ll be great. Just do it.

[What’s the sensation I’m feeling?]

Light. We’ve told you already. Just listen and trust.

[Can you tell me more? What am I to do with it?]

Follow it. Feel it. Connect to it. Be it. Experience it.

[Anything else?]

Feel, explore, enjoy, learn. You know this already. You just need to remember. It will come when you stop thinking about it. It isn’t mental. It isn’t mental. Get out of your head. Into your heart. You are here for great things. There is lots of time. This is all you have. Relax. Enjoy. You’ve got it. Enjoy.


So, I didn’t want to eat lunch alone. If I’d had a hotel room there, I would have went there during my lunch to hide. I gathered my courage to sit and eat alone that day.

And what a gift it was in retrospect. A chance to be connected to my Spirit. Was I alone at the table? Clearly not!❤️

Does everything happen for us? Absolutely.

Did I listen to them and write every day? NOPE! Not until I met a new friend at business event on the eve of Covid, who just happened to be a channeler. Who just happened to spontaneously start channeling over a glass of wine. Who channeled my Guides in a way that I FELT! My life changed then.

I only found these notes from Mike’s events a little while after that while cleaning house. It was at that point I started journaling – every day! (Feeling slightly guilty that I hadn’t started earlier. Oops.)

In August 2021, my communication with my Spirit Team took the next step from written form to verbal channeling and light language transmissions/activations (sound, frequency and tones that bypass the mental mind and engages with your energetic field – also called the language of the Soul). What an incredible journey it’s been so far and it just keeps getting better and better.

If you’ve read this far chances are you are already feeling that there is more to this world than we’ve been told, you’re searching for something but you just aren’t sure quite what it is. Well for me I found it in my connection to Spirit, my Guides, angels, Source, Creator – whatever you wish to call it. The knowing that we are eternal, powerful beings of light, creating our world in each moment with each thought and we are never alone. We are always supported. We are loved unconditionally and beyond measure.

And if you are still reading this, you are someone who is here to make a difference in the world by being the fullest, most joyful version of you that you can be. Call is a Light worker, a Way shower, or call it a kind, beautiful human living a joyful life, YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE AND YOU ARE NEEDED.

Know this. Love this. Be this!

Shine your light!

The world needs each of us!❤️

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