How Changing the World is an Inside Job!
Jul 25, 2024Know that the light and love that you send to those places and circumstances on the planet that seem hard to understand helps and supports all involved. As you invoke the action of the Creator in energy, things transform. Know that as you do this in group settings the energy is amplified. Let there be no doubt that such activities are beneficial and support the shift you are undertaking as a humanity.
Regardless of what is out-pictured in the world around you, around the world globe itself, know that you always have a choice. You always have a choice to align and maintain the frequency of love, of oneness, of joy and of peace. You always have a choice.
So again, we remind you each that you create the change in the world that you want to see by claiming, and transforming those aspects of yourself that are in alignment or resonant to what is seen reflected around you.
Look to where you harm yourself. Look to where you fight yourself.
Look to where you tear others down. Look to where you pollute yourselves in mind and body.
As you use the reflection of what is around you to guide you internally to those energies and information in your cells and energetic system that are looking to be transformed, you get to release and transform them. No longer a strong efforting needed. Seeing, acknowledging and even if you can’t quite see how your internal is creating the reflection out-pictured know that it is. Ask for it to be released.
If you feel you must know, and you don’t, then ask to be shown or to be guided in your knowing to what is looking to be released from the inside out so that your reality can have a different reflection of you.
Indeed transformation in the world you see around you is an inside job. You are responsibility for you, for your growth, for your choices. You change you, no one else. Hold onto your power or take it back if you have given it away. And we say that the majority have given their power away in many ways.
Own your knowing of yourself as a divine being of light. Own yourself as a magnificent creator being. Own yourself as in control of your choices .
Choose to align to the highest frequency of consciousness that you can in each now moment.
Choose to be the light and hold not others in darkness.
We send our blessings to you. We send our love to you.
The world is changing as you change. There is much change ahead. Learn to embrace it and flow with it and your experience over the next years will be smoother and more pleasant we suggest.
We love you each so much. We are excited to be here with you during this great evolution in consciousness.
Be you. Be fully you. Be in your joy.
Be in peace and find the love in all. You are all one in essence and together you rise.
Much love dear ones and until we connect again we send you oh so much love.
~A channeled message through Joanne Cary
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