Are you going to own or deny who you are?
Aug 02, 2024In 2021, I was still coming out of the "Spiritual Closet" and only a few people knew that I connected with and channeled Spirit. I would often ask what the Guide's would share with my group, but this day I started to ask the question, "what message would they have that I could share to my regular social media page?"... Part way through asking I STOPPED asking as I thought to myself - I might not want to share what they have to say to my regular social media. So I decided not to ask. Apparently they heard my question anyhow and shared something, which I did in fact post. That's not this channel, however, this is the channel that came after it, where they speak to the importance of being our authentic selves.
May something they share support you in being fully, and beautifully YOU!
Sharing is caring dear one. Isn’t that what people say? You asked for a message and you shared it to the group. Well it's correct, you retracted your question and we decided to answer it anyways.
Are you going to own or deny who you are? There is no judgement one way or the other. You ask for guidance. You see channeling as way of sharing, but you thought this morning, the reason for the retraction of your question, is that you let your small self start to worry about what others think. We are glad you didn’t listen to your little self, that you chose to stand in the being who you are, who you know you are.
Dear one, it doesn’t matter what others think. Where you are heading and where humanity is heading is away from fear. Period. Those structures and systems that have kept you in fear, in control, unknown to yourselves, are being dismantled now. One at a time in perfect ways as new systems and ways of being are being created in manifest form. Indeed, it’s already been and being created in the ethers, but takes time for it to come into physical form.
So, the more YOU you are, the better. YOU matter. Each and every one of your matter. Each thing that you say, each thought that you think. Each action that you take is important. Don’t deceive yourself that it’s only on particular days or times, when perhaps you are meditation or channeling. It matters in each moment that you are in. How you are being with yourself, with your family, with your friends, with your community, with every other single being on the planet and with the earth itself? Everything matters. Everything has consequence. This is why it is so important at this time to know who you are. To regularly be and live in the core of your eternal divine being of light that you are and shining that throughout the world you see projected in front of you.
This is a pivotal time on the planet. You are shifting and lifting a species. The earth is shifting too. All this means that what has been denied the divine in, which is anything you judge, fear, criticize, complain about, would prefer to see eradicated from the planet, ALL that must be seen to be healed or recreated in a higher frequency. Who does it start with dear one, you may ask?
It is by each person taking responsibility for their beingness, each person working to bring themselves into the state of joy, love, compassion, that the world is changed and reclaimed to the divinity that is already is.
Each of you will be shown, in whatever ways are perfect and relevant to you, what areas you may still be putting in shadow. And know that everything you see in shadow is only reflecting back at you the shadow you place within yourself.
Everything is within you. And until you are able to own and take responsibility and love, love, love every aspect of yourself in its perfect divinity, wholeness, you will never see your reality reflecting the peace, perfection, wholeness, love, compassion, and joy that you want it to.
Oh dear one, we are so pleased that you chose to release the worry of the opinions of others and stepped up and posted anyway. Each time you do this you begin to see that you are creating the creations, you are creating the response by the feelings and opinions you hold about it. It isn’t about anyone else. It is all about you.
You are the center of your world, you are the creator of your world and in each expression, you are seeing and experiencing that world that you made through the frequency that you hold. Don’t like it? Change your frequency, change the state of being you are in.
It is so beautiful dear one. You are powerful, masterful, beautiful beings of light. You create worlds and yet you still don’t even know a portion of the vastness that you are. But each day, as you align and allow, you are stepping more and more into it and as you do, the true magic and majesty of that which has always been begins to shine through and reflect its magnificence back at you.
Oh sweet one, you are magnificent, beautiful, powerful. You are love, light and joy. Breathe that in. Let it sink in deep into your cells, into the being, the true being that you are and let it shine.
We love you. We love you. We love you and until we connect again, we are sending you so much love.
From the archives: A channeled message by Joanne Cary, September 21, 2021
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