Join Joanne Cary, the Guides, the Lyrans, Isis and others for this live, interactive channeled event & Light Language Transmission as you embark on an experiential journey to re-calibrate and refine you to your next-level of Divine Frequency so you can amplify what you're creating and manifesting in the world.

You aren't going to want to miss this event.

This 90 minute event includes:

  • A brand new channeled message and teaching from higher dimensional consciousness to support you in this evolution of consciousness, creating from your multi-dimensional self and opening to true abundance.
  • Channeled Light Language Transmission: Leave cleared of distortions and lower density energies, as well as, expanded and aligned to create from your Divine, infinite potential and be open to receive all the gifts and prosperity that are waiting for you.
  • Q&A provides an opportunity for attendees to ask a question directly to Spirit.
  • Quantum Video & Audio Replays are provided to all registrants at no additional charge within 24 hours of the end of the call.

Participants may attend via computer, tablet, smartphone or dial-in by phone. A list of start times around the world is at the bottom of this page.

Join us!

Register NOW for LION'S GATE with Joanne Cary

Choose what you pay!


What people are saying about these events...

The New Beginnings Preparation for Expansion was more than I could have imagined. I was thrilled to experience the process of expanding my whole being to hold more light as it continue to shift through the new frequencies. The transmission was uniquely received. I felt my entire being humming after. It was a truly wonderful. Much love and gratitude to you, Joanne, and your guides for this magnificent event. 🙏❤️ ~Sandra H

OMG!! Joanne just finished her Harvesting Abundance Session and it was off the charts magnificent and packed with so much Light and Love and wisdom from the Angel Realm, The Ascended Masters and all our Guides. The clearing and transmission was beyond heavenly and so powerful. And the Q&A was amazing and so on point for all of the questions. Deep gratitude to Joanne and her Team for the experience.
~ Staci
It was so beautiful Joanne! Love Love Love listening to your light language! The energies are so high and I keep yawning! Thank you! ~Katie
I feel so loved and warm and soft all over. Thank you for this lovely transmission. It is beautiful there Joanne! ~ LU

A Channeled Message from the Guides

"You are wondering about the Lion's Gate event, you are wondering if there is any message we'd like to share. Indeed we will share a few words, a message if you will:

The Lion's Gate portal is a powerful time and this one indeed has extra amplifying effect given the numerology of this particular year of your time. As the sun and planets align, as the Earth receives more light codes to support your ongoing evolution as manifest Spirit in form, these energies, that we are utilizing and amplifying to support those who come, is potent.

It is our intention to support all those who are called to it, in first re-calibrating even further to their Divine Blueprint, their Soul plan. We started this during our previous event [Realign to Your Divine Blueprint] and many have already adjusted and integrated and are ready for the next level of refinement.
It is from this refined state that so much more is possible. As those who attend, we recommend having in your mind, present in your thoughts, who you wish to be, what experiences you wish to feel and what creations you are wishing to bring in, in the months to come. Having those intentions set will have you benefit even further from the energy and light transmission that we bring forth with the support of your Higher Self and Guides and all those beings who are attending and co-creating in this event.

There is so much opportunity to step even more into your Divinity in form and from this place, create yes, and receive the life of your dreams and the one you came to lead. The energies we bring forth will change you cellularly. You will become more of your Divine Essence in form through your agreement. It is always choice and nothing is done to you, but your may open to receive so much more than you have allowed yourself, and we will be supporting the energetic alignment of you to do just that.

Come with open heart and open mind. Come with your intentions and be open to the possibility of something better, grander and more magical.

The powerful energy of abundance, prosperity and peace will come through at a level we haven't brought before. You are ready.

And are you ready to receive it? Are you ready to claim it? Are you ready to step into the next level version of you and so become magnetic to all that you desire and require for the next step on your path?

If our words resonate, if they speak to you, then we'd suggest this is for you and that at one level you've already said yes. We welcome one and all to this beautiful event to amplify all that you manifest. Blessing to you each on this day."


A Channeled Message from Spirit

A supportive & encouraging message from my Team to support you at this time of great change.

Light Language Activation

Sit back and receive the exact energies & activations you need in your energy field and cellular structure to support you. Leave regenerated, nourished and more aligned to your multi-dimensional self.

Live Q&A

Participants on the call have an opportunity to ask questions directly to Spirit to support you on your path and during this times of change.

Quantum Video & Audio Replay

Full video and audio replays of the session are provided to all those registered at no additional charge within 24 hours.

Register now and choose what you pay!


Lesley G, UK

To be in Joanne’s and her guides’ energies is always a wonderful experience!  And to have channelled answers to any question you ask is just as uplifting and beautiful.  Thank you, Joanne and your guides for everything you share in love for our understanding.  Would highly recommend this experience to anyone else; if you are thinking about joining Joanne and her guides for any guidance, go for it, just do it. Once again, thank you Joanne.

About Joanne Cary

As a leader and guide for wayshowers, Joanne helps you tap into your own innate wisdom and multidimensional self, while learning to release fear, find joy and live an empowered life.

Joanne is an open channel for Source, higher dimensional consciousness and works most regularly with Lord Melchizedek, The Great Teachers, Ascended Masters, Archangels and other interdimensional beings who are supporting the great shift in consciousness that is happening on Earth right now.

Through channeled messages and light language activations, she transmits light encoded frequencies and healing energies as a vessel of Source to support our healing and evolution at this time.

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm ready to Amplify my Manifestations!


Start Times Around the World